Next Updates:

In no particular order:

Update History:

Date Type Change log
2020/09/30 Enhancement Roof Pitch adjustment logic added.
2020/07/08 Enhancement Enhanced calculation performance with new caching system, currently used in new recalculation form on results page.
2020/07/05 Bug Fix Found and fixed bug which occurred when setting loan period to 240 (20 years - the total number of years the calculations are based on)
2020/07/03 Maintenance Added SSEG application form download. Which can be found here
2020/07/02 Maintenance Added About Us section and some quality of life fixes.
2020/06/21 Enhancement and bug fix Enhanced calculation formulae and clean up for summary report
  • New formula added that calculates the Present Value (PV) of the total sum of your savings (calculated using the growth of the electricity rate and defined inflation rate)
  • Improved accuracy of Return On Investment (ROI) calculation.
  • Added new option to the form to allows user to define the inflation rate.
  • Inflation rate will impact the Present Value (PV) of savings as well as the Return On Investment.
  • Fixed a bug in the chart tooltips for current electricity price. Was not updating correctly per year.
2020/06/07 Enhancement Added average PV output potential (kWh/kWp) for selected municipality/region
  • Average PV output potential values are retrieved from SolarGIS
  • Form Assumptions now includes a checkbox to toggle between using annual hours or annual PV output potential
  • Calculator will now calculate your potential profitability using these values, if the checkbox is checked
2020/06/04 Enhancement New calculation logic added on certain systems (calculated using the inputs you provide.)
  • Only applies when the grid tie inverter supports either a Zero-Export or an Export limiting feature
  • Kit Summary now includes message to notify.
  • This also removes the benefits of grid tie repurchase and export tariffs.
2020/06/02 Maintenance and bug fixes
  • Relaxed server validations for form inputs that were left blank instead of 0 (this was breaking the calculations)
  • Added a check that lets user disable the loading of the loan model
2020/05/27 Maintenance and enhancement Small adjustments made while we enhance calculation logic even further:
  • Base hours daily hours reduced from 5.5 to 5.25
  • Form Cleanup, basic now includes Assumptions
  • Reduced power generated during morning and evening sun by 20%(25% -> 20% daily total)
2020/05/18 Enhancement Added 'Understanding Inverters' section, so far simple summaries included for the following:
  • Off-Grid Inverters
  • Grid Tied Inverters
  • Hybrid Inverters
  • Bi-directional Inverters
2020/05/16 Bug fixes and enhancement
  • Added Electricity brackets for various other municipalities in Western Cape
  • Found and fixed bugs in datapoint summaries, not showing correct values against the various electricity brackets.
2020/05/15 Enhancement Thanks for the wait, here's a nice big update for the patience! Amendments made to the following:
  • Calculation logic accuracy improved, now includes selected municipality's electricity brackets
  • Municipality summary, now includes electricity bracket breakdown
  • Chart datapoint summaries, now includes the electricity brackets, as well as the amount of kWh affected, if the bracket effects income totals
2020/05/10 Bug Fix and enhancement
  • Fixed bug that broke calculations
  • Adjusted average hours from 5.25/day to 5.5/day
2020/05/09 Enhancement Revised income breakdown in chart datapoint summaries, income broken down into 3 categories
  • Direct Solar Usage
  • Exported excess, total feed in
  • imported buyback, savings difference between electricity rate and municipality import rates
2020/05/08 Enhancement Revised usage percentile logic for various scenarios
  • High usage on small systems
  • Extremely low electricity usage
Added info summary
2020/05/07 Enhancement and bug fixes
  • Fixed bug in unused revenue generation (incorrectly using the municipality's Import tariff, yielding above expected results).
  • Enhanced the Solar kit summary to include both annual and monthly amounts to reduce confusion.
2020/05/06 Bug fixes Cash Payment Summary:
  • Fixed bug in ROI calculation
  • Fixed bug in IRR calculations
2020/05/06 Enhancement Detailed summary stories created for:
  • Loan Model
  • Cash Payment Model
2020/05/05 Enhancement
  • Summary Section Cleanup
  • Added Solar Kit Summary
  • Rate increases to now start after the 1st period of calculations have run
2020/05/04 Enhancement Extended advanced configuration section, added ability to control:
  • Offgrid percentile
  • Electricity Rate increase
  • Municipality Rental increase
  • Control for rate of change in trading units (kWh) with municipality
2020/05/03 Enhancement Added:
  • Email us
  • Base summaries
2020/05/03 Bug fixes Found and fixed issues when having high usage and looking at small PV system (values returned were too good to be true)
2020/05/02 Enhancement Sunlight multiplier added to advanced configuration section
2020/05/02 Hotfix Mobile support added to the report (A button now appears on the report page that allows you to scroll to the summary - will get back to this with a better solution)
2020/05/02 Release Initial pilot release